I started Djing after moving to Social Apartment and My World expanded: How My Love for Music Led Me to Discover a New Side of Myself at Social Apartment



image2One of the most enjoyable aspects of Social Apartment is the opportunity to connect with people from all walks of life, with diverse hobbies, jobs, and backgrounds. Many residents discover new hobbies or career paths through the connections they make in the Social Apartment.


This time, we’re speaking with “Obu-chan,” a resident who has been living at “Neighbors Shibuya Kamiyama-cho” in the Okushibu area for four years. Obu-chan, who loves music, was drawn to the Shibuya area, known for its clubs and live houses. After moving in, she began DJing as a hobby in the apartment and now she is playing at clubs


How has living at Social Apartment influenced Obu-chan’s love for music? Let’s hear her story.


<Driven by a Passion for Music, She Began Her Journey in Shibuya Kamiyama-cho>


What motivated Obu-chan to move into a Social Apartment?


The first time I found out about Social Apartment was through an Instagram ad. Actually, I had gone to view a property in Kiyosumi Shirakawa, but at that time, I didn’t have the courage to go through with it, so I put it off.


Then, about six months later, I found out that the Shibuya Kamiyama-cho location was opening, and I knew right away that I had to live there. I’ve always loved the Okushibu area, even before I lived here – I’d come on weekends just to enjoy the vibe.


Above all, I love music, and I was frequently in Shibuya for clubs and live houses. I used to go to a lot of live shows. Before the pandemic, I think I was attending a live performance at least once a week on average.


Knowing I could live in a neighborhood I love so much, I realized that if I didn’t act now, I would regret it. So, I decided to move in.


Shibuya’s buzzing nightlife and renowned club culture clearly played a key role in your decision.  Has living here made it easier to immerse yourself in the city’s nightlife?


It’s so much easier now! There are so many clubs within a 10-minute walk, so it’s super fun. Before living here, I had to take the train home, so I only had two options: either leave before the last train or stay out until morning. But now, I can go whenever I want and come back whenever I want.


After work, I can take a quick nap, wake up at 1 AM, hit a club, and be back by 3 AM—it’s part of the perks of living here (laughs).


Do you ever go to clubs with everyone from the Social Apartment?

I do, but I also like to casually go on my own sometimes.


Which clubs do you usually go to?


My go-to spots are VENT, WOMB, and OR. I also DJ once a month at BRAND SHIBUYA, the closest club to the apartment.


“The Start of My DJ Journey: The Property’s 1st Anniversary Party”


I heard you started DJing after moving into the Social Apartment?


That’s right. It all began with the 1st-anniversary party of the Shibuya Kamiyamacho property. A DJ booth was set up at the bar counter, and one of the residents’ friends performed as a DJ. During the party, they also held a kind of “DJ experience session,” where I got to try out the equipment for the first time.


It turned out that person was running a DJ community called “TOKYO DJ Club.” By coincidence, they had just started recruiting new members, so I joined. After practicing DJing for about six months, I started playing at clubs.


Actually, my first time DJing at a club was for a Social Apartment event. The residents of the Social Apartment organized an event at Shibuya’s CLUB CAMELOT, and I was invited to perform there—that was my DJ debut.


Have you met more people who are into music like you are at the Social Apartment?


Yes, I have. We even go to music festivals together now, like Fuji Rock and Summer Sonic. Sharing a common love for music has brought us closer.


Do your friends from the Social Apartment come to your DJ events?


Yes, they do. When I DJ at BRAND SHIBUYA, not only do the current residents come, but even former residents drop by as well. Sometimes, it feels like the club turns into our apartment lounge (laughs).


Using DJing to Connect with More Music Lovers


It seems like DJing has really expanded your connections through music.


Yes, that’s exactly what I was aiming for with DJing.


There are two key reasons I started DJing.  The first was to deepen my own appreciation as a listener. I’ve played instruments before as part of a brass band and a light music club, but I wanted to explore more genres and discover more music.


The second reason was that I hoped to inspire more people to enjoy music. Around 2020, several clubs and live music venues I loved shut down. It was devastating for me—places like SOUND MUSEUM VISION, Contact Tokyo, and hotel koe tokyo.


Clubs often get a bad reputation from those who aren’t familiar with them. However, many clubs are simply places where music lovers come together. I’ve always wished more people who love music would experience these spaces.


People are often surprised when I say I’m a DJ, like, ‘You, really?’ (laughs). But I want to show that you don’t have to be the party animal type to enjoy clubs if you love music. It’s totally okay, and I think my experience reflects that.


In fact, many of the DJs I know are true music fanatics—they’re all about the music.

How often do you DJ now?


I play about 2 to 3 times a month. When I DJ at clubs, I naturally meet more people, and the more I go, the more opportunities I get to be invited to events.


I’d like to know what kind of music you enjoy.


I like house music, especially deep house. I also enjoy tribal beats, and playing pop music is fun too, as I grew up listening to J-pop.


How do you typically enjoy music?


I often listen to music to tune into my current mood.


This is one of the reasons I’m grateful for DJing. Now, I can really understand what kind of music I want to listen to. I know exactly the type of vibe, the kind of sound, the tempo, and what I’m in the mood for.


When I choose tracks as a DJ, I’m thinking about all these factors.


The speakers in the lounge have great sound quality, so sometimes I’ll just play my playlist while working.


It seems like everyone looks forward to your music selections.


Some people say that! And on the flip side, I often discover great tracks that my friends play. I’ll Shazam the songs they play and add them to my playlist.


“Being around all kinds of people expands my world.”


How do you usually spend your time in the Social Apartment?


After drinking parties, when I feel like I’m not done drinking yet, I’ll have a drink in the living room, or we’ll all watch shows like The Bachelor and yell at the TV together (laughs). We also go on trips, to saunas, or do escape room games together. The atmosphere is so cozy. It’s truly a place where I feel completely relaxed


I’ve also connected more with people living in other properties. People in Social Apartments are all very easygoing, even when meeting for the first time, so it’s easy to jump into large gatherings without feeling awkward. That’s something I really appreciate.


Finally, do you have a message for those considering moving in?


There are so many different kinds of people living here, and I get a lot of inspiration from them. I think it’s a place where your world expands as you start new things, inspired by the people you meet.


When you make friends at school or work, they often end up being similar to you, but here, you can meet people who are different from you, and that’s really appealing.


Everyone here is really easy to talk to, so it’s easy to connect and interact with people. If anyone’s unsure, I’d say don’t worry—just move in and give it a try!”
