Trying Out the New “Circle” Feature on the Social Apartment Residents App!



At Social Apartment, residents enjoy a special “Residents App” that helps them stay connected with the management company and fellow residents.

It’s a one-stop shop for everything from maintenance updates to communication with neighbors. Recently, a new feature called “Circle” was added, aiming to bring even more ways for residents to interact. 

This article introduces “Circle” and shows how residents are already making the most of it!


What’s the “Circle” feature all about?


The “Circle” feature is a fun new way for residents to connect with over 3,000 Social Apartment residents nationwide! You can create or join groups based on your interests, making it easy to find like-minded people to share activities, ideas, and memories with. 


It’s a great platform to expand your inner circle, discover new hobbies, and build connections. We chatted with one of the circle founders to learn more about how it’s being used!


We caught up with the creators of the Circle feature to learn more!


In just five days after launch, there were already 30 circles! (As of the end of August, 78 circles have been created!)

Over 1,500 residents have already joined in on the fun, but what inspired you to create this feature?


Ito (top right photo): At first, we really wanted to make interactions more visible. It’s hard to explain how lively a place is with just words, even if we say, “This place is full of social energy!” 

But in reality, so many interactions happen every day, and the Circle feature lets those interactions take shape in a way that makes it easier for new residents to get involved.


When people are thinking about moving into a social apartment, telling them about these fun circles helps them picture the vibe. People say things like, “I love that too! I feel like I’d fit right in!”


Watanabe (bottom center photo): Also, we wanted to make the most of the 3,000 residents. I remember when I lived in a property in Kobe, we tried to organize a baseball tournament and a music event, but we couldn’t get enough people to join. It’s tough to gather people in just one property, and sometimes people with niche interests can’t find others to connect with. But with the entire social apartment network, I’m sure you’ll meet others who share your passions!

The thought of there being 3,000 potential new friends? So exciting!


I was amazed when I saw that 50 people joined the “Molkky Club”. Molkky isn’t that well-known of a sport, but seeing how many people came together just because of the social apartment network was truly inspiring!


Ito: But honestly, at first, we weren’t really thinking about connecting residents across different properties. Since launching, we’ve realized there are so many unexpected ways people are using the Circle feature. Originally, we just wanted people with similar hobbies to find each other more easily, but now we’re seeing groups where people share knowledge, like “Study Groups for Certifications” where they help each other out with things they don’t understand, or cheer each other on when things get tough. It’s such a wonderful, supportive community!


I really hope this Circle feature helps people feel like they’re not alone, like there are friends out there waiting to be found. And for those who moved into a social apartment but haven’t yet found a way to connect, I hope this gives them the perfect excuse to take that first step!


To the Catan Circle!


Using the Circle feature right away, the “Catan Circle” group formed. This time, we’re going to dive into the Catan Circle and introduce how the Circle feature is used, how members communicate, and what other types of circles are available!


Timeline Leading Up to the Event Day


We asked Ucchi from Neighbors Saginuma, the founder of the Katan Circle, about the steps and preparations leading up to the event day. 


Ucchi: At Neighbors Saginuma, Catan was popular, and residents often played together. They even rented an Airbnb for a Catan retreat. When the Circle feature launched, Ucchi created the Katansaku Circle, and it quickly grew, bringing in participants from other properties for an event!


The process was as follows:

・Announce the event within the group

・Use “Chouseisan” to find a suitable date

・Invite participants to a LINE chat for further coordination


Ucchi also suggested adding scheduling and chat features directly within the app.

The “Circle” feature in the Residents App became the perfect way to bring people together! After connecting through the app, they used LINE for smoother communication. 

Residents also shared some great feedback, suggesting that built-in tools for scheduling and chatting directly within the app would make things even easier and more fun!


What Happened on Event Day 


Residents from six different properties came together at Neighbors Saginuma for the event, including one who traveled all the way from Terminals Ibaraki in Kansai! They even timed their work trip to Tokyo to join the Katan Circle. 

Talk about dedication! Their spirit is definitely something to inspire us all! 


While waiting for everyone to arrive, there was a fun Q&A session with introductions and chats about life at each property. Conversations like “This is the latest trend at our place!” and “Wow, your lounge looks amazing!” sparked instant connections. To help everyone remember names and properties, introduction cards were prepared in advance, making it even easier to break the ice! 


Btw, what is the board game “Catan”? 


Catan is a German board game created in 1995. Players take on the role of settlers on the fictional “Catan Island,” competing to develop towns and cities the fastest. By rolling dice, players gather resources, which they use to build settlements and expand their territories. The goal is to transform the barren landscape into thriving areas, with the player who develops their part of the island the most becoming the winner! 


At Neighbors Saginuma, one resident got so hooked on Catan that they made it to the national tournament! After winning through the qualifiers, they placed an impressive 3rd, just shy of the world championships in Germany. Reaching 3rd place nationwide is already an amazing achievement!


Time to Play!! 


Since some players were new to Catan, the game started off with a relaxed pace, explaining the rules. Experienced players kindly offered tips, like where to place pieces and which numbers are more likely to roll, making it beginner-friendly and fun for everyone! 


Even though it was their first time meeting, everyone easily started chatting, and it felt that board games are great for helping people connect!


Nachiko from Neighbors Kamikitazawa loves Catan so much that she even tried to play it solo! She had been wanting to play but hadn’t had the chance lately, so when she saw the “Catan Circle”, she jumped at the opportunity to join. 

Ucchi laughed, saying she even sent a direct message to join! Nachiko helped the beginners while still showing her strength in the game. This story highlights how the Circle feature connects people with niche interests, helping them find others with the same passions, no matter how specific. 


Chan-nao from Neighbors Higashi-Jujo joined the event after remembering the fun of playing Catan about 8 years ago. She also created her own “Vocaloid Circle”. 

She was excited to check out Neighbors Saginuma, impressed by the beautiful lounge. Other participants were thrilled to connect with people from different properties, sharing their joy about making new friends through the “Circle” feature. Many residents, especially remote workers, often move between properties every year or two, so it’s a great way to meet people across different locations! 


Natsuki always wanted to try Catan but couldn’t find anyone to play with at her property. After discovering the Circle, she jumped in, and now she’s excited about aiming for the world tournament! Although she hasn’t joined other circles yet, she’s been checking them out through friends and is thinking about joining more. The creation of circles really sparked excitement at her property, and she’s looking forward to exploring more options! 


After enjoying a round of Catan, a tour of Neighbors Saginuma began. Residents seemed fascinated as they explored the property, comparing it to their own. They were particularly interested in the differences, and it was clear that they enjoyed discovering the unique features of the place! 


Thoughts after using the Circle.


Natsuki shared that it was a great opportunity to visit Saginuma, despite being so close, and she’s now motivated to aim for the Catan World Tournament! She had a great time and would love to meet up again. 

Natsuko mentioned that she finally fulfilled her long-time Catan craving and had a blast. She’s even thinking of introducing the game to her property in Kamikitazawa and is excited to play again soon! 

With the introduction of the “Circle” feature in Social Apartments, the opportunities for connection have greatly expanded. It has allowed residents to try things they’ve always wanted to do, meet like-minded people they couldn’t find within their property, and explore countless possibilities within the entire community. 

The feature has opened up endless potential, and it’s exciting to see how different circles and creative uses will continue to emerge!


(Interview and text by Kido, photography by Uchida)